Figure 4. Macrophage-specific loss of SR-A inhibits in vivo tumour growth.
A. 106 ID8-Luc cells were injected i.p. into syngeneic mice. Quantification of bioluminescence from primary tumours (n=12 each) was obtained weekly. ID8 tumours grew significantly slower in SR-A-/- mice compared to wt, MARCO-/- or db-/- mice (p<0.01). Data represented as mean ± SEM of n=12. Representative data are shown from 2 independent experiments. B. Representative bioluminescence picture: red, the highest photon flux; blue, the lowest photon flux. C. Ex vivo luminescence analysis of the ascitic cell population (106 cells/ml) of radiation chimeras injected with ID8-Luc cells as in A. to exclude the impact of non-haematopoietic SR-A expression. D. 106 Panc02 cells were injected s.c. into the flank of syngeneic C57BL/6 mice. Tumour multiplicity (TM) at end point was assessed by H&E immunohistochemistry. E. Quantification of luciferase activity per mg of lung tissue in lung tumours from mice in D. p<0.001 by Student’s t test. F. Tumour multiplicity in radiation chimeras using the Panc02 model.