Figure 5. The small molecule SR-A inhibitor 4F prevents tumour invasiveness in vitro and in vivo.
A. Dose response curve. Macrophages and ID8 tumour cells were co-cultured in the presence of 4F, an SR-A ligand. Scrambled 4F (scr4F), which contains the same amino acids as 4F but in random order to prevent amphipathic helix formation, served as a negative control. B. Invasion assay of macrophages with either ID8 or Panc02 cells in the presence of 100 μg/ml scr4F or 4F. Data in A. and B. are represented as mean ± SEM of n=6. Representative data are shown from at least 3 independent experiments. C. 4F prevents tumour growth in vivo. Animals were treated with 4F s.c. and tumour burden was assessed using IVIS imaging system. Loss of SR-A does not add to the effect of 4F on tumour cell invasion.