Figure 1. Comparison of oseltamivir carboxylate induced 150-loop conformational change in N2, N1 and N8.
(a) The active sites of free N2 (yellow), N1 (cyan), N8 (lightblue) and oseltamivir carboxylate-bound complex in different soaking conditions are displayed in surface representation. Free N2 (yellow), N2-40 μM-30 min (orange), N1-20 mM-3 days (green) and N8-500 μM-30 min (pink) have no 150-cavity, however free N1, N8, N2-20 mM-1 hour (limon), N1-20 mM-30 min (marine) and N8-20 μM-150 min (magenta) contain a 150-cavity. Oseltamivir carboxylate is shown in wheat stick. (b) Superposition of the 150-loop of free N1, N2, N8 and N1, N2, N8 complexed with oseltamivir carboxylate under different soaking conditions. The 150-loops are shown in cartoon representation, and colors are corresponding to Fig. 1a.