Figure 1. Loqs-PB is Necessary and Sufficient to Maintain Female Germline Stem Cells.
(A) Drosophila and human Dicer partners.
(B) Drosophila germarium architecture. TF, terminal filament. CC, cap cells. SS, spectrosomes. Green, fusomes. Somatic cells are gray, germline are pink. Ovaries from 10-day-old females were stained with anti-Hu li tai shao (Hts) antibody (green) to detect the spectrosome and fusome, anti-Vasa antibody (red) to identify germ cells, and DAPI (blue) to highlight DNA. White arrowheads mark GSCs.
(C) The number of GSCs per germarium (mean ± SD) was measured for each genotype in 10–15 randomly selected germaria from pooled ovaries from >30 flies. Eight z axis images, spanning 20 μm, were acquired for each germarium. See also Figure S1 and Table S1.