Table 5. Phycobilins pigments (mg/mL) in the promising microalgae cultivated under nitrate stress conditions.
Treatment |
Nostoc muscorum |
Oscillatoria sp |
CPC | APC | CPC | APC | |
Control (1.5 g/L NaNO3) | 0.095±0.000 | 0.13±0.02 | 0.20±0.01 | 0.001±0.000 |
3g/L | 0.110±0.000 | 0.14±0.00 | 0.23±0.05 | 0.001±0.000 |
6 | 0.140±0.020 | 0.16±0.00 | 0.24±0.03 | 0.001±0.000 |
9 | 0.150±0.010 | 0.19±0.05 | 0.26±0.04 | 0.001±0.000 |
0.75 | 0.090±0.000 | 0.13±0.01 | 0.16±0.01 | 0.000±0.000 |
0.37 | 0.086±0.000 | 0.11±0.00 | 0.16±0.02 | 0.000±0.000 |
0.0 | 0.075±0.000 | 0.10±0.00 | 0.14±0.01 | 0.000±0.000 |
LSD 0.05 | 0.021 | 0.015 | 0.0227 | 8.95E.05 |
Each value is presented as mean of triplet treatments, LSD: Least different significantly at P≤ 0.05 according to Duncan's multiple range test.