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. 2013 Mar 25;63(609):e267–e273. doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X665233

Table 2.

Probability of increased HbA1c levels (change >0) for presence or absence of each comorbidity and comedication

Variable Change in HbA1c, %a
≤0 >0
Respiratory disorders Absent 60 40
Present 56 44

Anaemia Absent 60 40
Present 62 38

Depression Absent 60 40
Present 57 43

Joints disorders Absent 68 33
Present 58 42

Malignancy Absent 60 40
Present 57 44

Corticosteroids Absent 62 38
Present 56 45

Antidepressants Absent 60 40
Present 58 44

NSAIDs Absent 66 34
Present 58 42

At least any of these present 60 40

Percentage of the subjects with better (change in HbA1c≤ 0) or worse (change in HbA1c>0) outcome levels at the end of the study period. Some figures total more than 100% due to rounding. HbA1c = glycosylated haemoglobin. NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.