FIG. 6.
AAV9-LARGE virus treatment reduced the number of regenerating fibers in skeletal muscle of Largemyd and POMGnT1 knockout mice. Diaphragm (A–I) and quadriceps muscle (J–X) sections from 3–4-month-old control and Largemyd and POMGnT1 knockout mice were immunofluorescence stained with antibodies against monoclonal rat antineural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) (A,D, G, J, M, P, S, and V), developmental myosin heavy chain (MHCd) (B, E, H, K, N, Q, T, and W), 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU) (C, F, I, L, O, R, U, and X). (A–C and J–L) Control diaphragm and quadriceps muscle sections are stained with antibodies against NCAM, MHCd, and BrdU respectively. (D–F and M–O) Largemyd diaphragm and quadriceps muscle sections stained with anti-NCAM, MHCd, and BrdU respectively, showing presence of NCAM- and MHCd-positive myofibers and BrdU-labeled nuclei. (G–I and P–R) Diaphragm and quadriceps muscle sections of AAV9-LARGE-treated Largemyd mice are stained with antibodies against NCAM and MHCd and BrdU respectively. Note absence of NCAM- and MHCd-positive fibers and BrdU-labeled nuclei in AAV9-LARGE-treated Largemyd samples. (S–U) POMGnT1 knockout quadriceps muscle showing presence of NCAM- and MHCd-positive fibers but absence of BrdU incorporation. (V–X) AAV9-LARGE virus treatment reduced NCAM- and MHCd-positive fibers in POMGnT1 knockout mice. A-L, AAV9-LARGE. Scale bar in X, 50 μm.