FIG. 8.
Effect of microscale guidance on mechanical properties. Collagen membranes were subject to tensile testing until failure. Mean values of elasticity modulus (A), a typical force–displacement curve (A: upper left corner), and ultimate stress (B) are shown. BK and EDC represent, respectively, uncrosslinked and EDC crosslinked collagen membranes without microchannels or MSCs. C25 and C100 represent collagen membranes consisting of 25- and 100-μm linear channels only, without MSCs. All other channels were seeded with MSCs. Ran: EDC crosslinked collagen membranes without channels; 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000 represent widths (μm) of linear channels in the EDC crosslinked collagen membranes. n=4 for 1000, n=5 for Ran, C25 and C100 and n=6 for all other conditions. (A) *Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) compared to data with no channels (RAN). #Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) compared to data with 1000-μm channels (1000). (B) *Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) compared to data with no channels (RAN), 250-μm (250), 500-μm (500), and 1000-μm (1000)-wide channels. Cells from two donors used in the above experiments.