(A) The expression of the human pluripotence-associated miRNA group 1, consisting of the prominent cluster of pluripotence-associated miRNAs hsa-miR-302, was silenced upon hESC neuronal lineage specification. (B) The expression of the human pluripotence-associated miRNA group 2 was significantly down-regulated in both hESC-I hNuPs and hESC-I hNus. (C) The expression of the human pluripotence-associated miRNA group 3 was significantly down-regulated in hESC-I hNus. (D) The expression of the human pluripotence-associated miRNA group 4 was gradually down-regulated upon hESC neuronal lineage-specific differentiation, albeit to less extents. (E) Log2 ratios of down-regulation of the human pluripotence-associated miRNA group 1–3. The levels of miRNA expression down-regulation in (A)–(D): * 5-fold ---10-fold, ** 10-fold ---100-fold, and *** 100-fold --- 500-fold. All microarray data are mean values from at least two biological replicate sets, standard derivations were not shown.