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. 2013 Mar 27;8(3):e59949. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0059949

Table 2. Quality of fit metrics (EF) for model-based versus field-based estimates of coarse woody debris carbon by region and forest type.

Intermountain North Pacific
Forest type West Central Northeast Northwest South
White/red/jack pine −0.30 −0.61 −75.00
Spruce/fir −0.47 −0.31
Longleaf/slash pine −1.09
Loblolly/shortleaf pine −6.88 −2.69 −0.19
Other eastern softwoods −35.76 −0.01
Pinyon/juniper −0.02 −0.34 0.00
Douglas-fir 0.48 −0.30
Ponderosa pine −0.11 0.18 −0.83
Western white pine −0.28
Fir/spruce/mountain hemlock −0.13 −0.21
Lodgepole pine −0.31 −0.19
Hemlock/sitka spruce −0.35 −0.59
Western larch 0.14 −0.04
Redwood −0.10
Other western softwoods 0.12 −0.18
California mixed conifer −0.69
Exotic softwoods −0.39 −332.03
Oak/pine −0.10 −2.72 −0.04
Oak/hickory −2.20 −0.34 −0.01
Oak/gum/cypress −1.67 −0.59
Elm/ash/cottonwood −0.90 −1.08 −5.00 −0.45 −0.01
Maple/beech/birch −0.54 −0.18 −0.12
Aspen/birch −0.16 −0.15 −0.29 −0.13
Alder/maple −0.26
Western oak −0.61
Tanoak/laurel −0.10
Other hardwoods −0.17 −1.92 0.04 −0.09
Woodland hardwoods −0.45 −0.02 0.00
Tropical hardwoods 44.12
Exotic hardwoods −14.45 −136.32 0.07
Nonstock −0.12 −0.50 −0.19 −0.08 −0.01

A value of 1 indicates a ‘perfect’ fit, 0 suggests the model is no better than the mean, and negative values indicate a poor fit. Note that dashes (–) indicate no data for the forest type and region.