Shown are isotherms for all ten measureable heterodimers (1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 20, 22, and 24) injected into a cell containinginto cFos. The top and bottom panels show, respectively, raw data after baseline correction. During ITC experiments, approximately 200–600 µM of peptide A was injected in 30–40×5 µl batches from the injection syringe into the cell, which contained 10–40 µM cFos. Both partners were in a 10 mM Potassium Phosphate buffer, 100 mM Potassium Fluoride at pH 7. Experiments were undertaken at 20°C. The solid lines represent the fit of the data to the function based on the binding of a ligand to a macromolecule using the Microcal (GE Healthcare) Origin software [57].