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. 2012 Nov 1;69(4):1–10. doi: 10.1007/s00228-012-1424-1

Table 1.

Market status of BZD/Z hypnotics and PR-melatonin for each country in the scope

Anti-BZD campaigns PR-melatonin BZD/Z-drugs
Countries Yes/No year Launch date Promotion Reimbursement Volume market share in 2011 (SU%) Price (€/tab) Reimbursement Volume market size in 2005 (million SU) Zolpidem price (€/tab)
Finland Yes 2005 January 2008 Actively promoted No reimbursement 5.10 % 0.55 Partial reimbursement 105,962 0.07
Norway Yes 2005 January 2008 Actively promoted No reimbursement 4.50 % 0.53 No reimbursement 75,711 0.10
Denmark Yes 2008 October 2007 Actively promoted No reimbursement 3.70 % 0.55 No reimbursement 71,688 0.63
Sweden Yes 2001 2008 Actively promoted No reimbursement 1 % 0.62 Reimbursed 195,048 0.05
Greece No 2008 Actively promoted Reimbursed (automatic, at 75 %) 5.50 % 0.53 Reimbursed (automatic, at 75 %) 50,836 0.09
France Yes 2008 June 2008 Not promoted No reimbursement <1 % 0.76 Reimbursed 766,207 0.16
Netherlands Yes 2009 2009 Initially promoted No reimbursement <1 % 0.57 No reimbursement (since Jan 2009) 148,042 Not found
UK Yes 2004 2008 Initially promoted Reimbursed (automatic) not recommended by NICEa <1 % 0.53 Reimbursed (automatic) 474,775 0.08
Equal recommendation BZD and Z drugs by NICE
Spain Regional small campaigns Not launched NA NA NA NA Reimbursed 390,005 0.06

aIn the UK, drug prices are freely chosen by pharmaceutical firms and reimbursed at 100 %. The control of practices is made through the recommendations of the National Health Service (NHS) after advice from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). In a general way, a product negatively recommended is not prescribed.