Figure 3.
ROIs analysis (A). The ROI female > male contrast level for the ROIs extracted from the ANOVA of the main effect of sex displayed a greater activation for female pictures in all active ROIs (rTL = right temporal lobe, rPL = right parietal lobe, rOL = right occipital lobe, lOL = left occipital lobe). The child > adult contrast confirmed that the main effect of age is based on a stronger activation due to pictures of children in both groups (rDMPFC = right dorsomedial prefrontal cortex). ROI analysis of the cluster showing an interaction of all factors revealed a significant difference (* = p < 0.05) for the contrast girl > woman, with activation in paedphilic subjects and deactivation in control subjects (rlOFC = right lateral orbitofrontal cortex). Event related averaging (B). BOLD %-signal-change in the rlOFC only illustrated a strong activation due to erotic pictures of girls in paedophilia.