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. 2013 Mar 5;10:33. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-10-33

Table 5.

Summary of results (Promotion)

Question & theme Males Females
Overcoming environmental barriers/deterrents to exercise
   Increase lighting
“come in through and put in more lighting in our neighborhood.”
   Exercise at home
“I would say get started in your house, you know, in your own family, you could put it and stay in your house.”
   Time management
“I say time management. Cut back on watching TV”
“you just have to put your mind to it, get out there.”
   Help from others
“I need somebody to help me be there when I’m supposed to”
Overcoming barriers to walking
   Access to walking place
“I think one thing that would enhance walking and help in general just having just a universal complex that had walking trails inside and out”
“if we get the track, a walking track or something in the area”
“You say well everyday I’m gonna do my best to walk at a certain time and you have to discipline yourself like you discipline yourself to get up every morning and go to work.”
“I believe education is power and I think educating people on the importance of the benefits of exercise and how we can eliminate a lot of the … heart attacks, strokes”
   Walk with others
“If I have somebody that I know that’s going to do it with me, it’s not problem.”
   Use alternatives
“you can walk in place at your home”
Do to get others active
   Walk with others
“And like you were just saying networking as you walk.”
“and it does make a difference when you have someone that’s right there to stay on you every day, you know, let’s do it, let’s not give up, you know. So I think motivating groups, I think walking groups, or whatever the case may be. Just banding together with people that have things in common towork together and make some things happen.”
“it gonna have to be a community effort and it’s still going to boil down to the individual, even doing the community effort.”
   Role modeling
“I think if, if we as adults model the fact that we need to be out walking and our children see it and our children pick up on it, and they start doing it, it becomes a habit or, or a, a routine for them.”
“In the long run it saves everybody money in the community. Yep, if they could motivate us by giving discounts.”
“think that maybe sometimes we have to throw out some incentives to get folks fired up”
   Partner with organizations
“But, you know, I was curious, but then I think that’s part of the, I reckon either county council or city, whoever own the park, need to do a better job of informing people of places like that so, you know, we can realize it’s there.”
“something like the ‘biggest loser”
   Provide childcare
“Provide a babysitting service.”
   Provide transportation
“transportation, we’d provide transportation.”
Say to get others active
   Health information
“exercise brings on life, non-exercise might bring on death. [Laughter] You know what I’m saying? We’ve got to get that instilled in them.”
“Just like they advertise that smoking is bad and it causes cancer, tell them what not walking causes.”
   Inspirational message
“…it’s about purpose.”
Who in neighborhood would encourage to get walking first
   Community snowball effect
“Once somebody starts, especially if you start with your immediate family, and it, it takes like one family to really get involved in it, you know, in the, in the neighborhood. And then the other children get involved and the other parents because I was telling them last night even at the meeting, we’ve got to go back into our communities.”
“One house to the next. You just start that fire… one house to the next.”
   Younger people
“to get this back right, to get us in good health again you don’t have to start, not with old rascals like me, it’s the young people, it’s the young people.”
“I see in our neighborhood a tendency to target the younger people because they spend a lot of time inside now and, on the computer, on their cell phones, you know, that kind of thing. So we see a lot of our younger people becoming obese and, you know, you hear the commercial on the radio in the morning that, you know, we might outlive our children, you know, and that’s sad.”
“my husband.”
Best way to communicate messages
   Word of mouth
“word of mouth.”
“And that person will affect two people and then so on and so on. And you just keep going and there’s that word of mouth.”
“Well a, a lot of times with churches, you have people in the church who, who are knowledgeable. And, and a lot of times you go to church there, there are health care providers. There are lots of people with talent in there that attend church and everybody knows and they would appreciate or, or they would give that time and that attention to you.”
“churches, faith-based communities could be an avenue”
   Local organizations/groups
“neighborhood groups”
   Sporting events
“some type of announcement at a sporting event because a lot of people like a sporting event.”
“For example, you have someone to go out to the ball field, to the I mean, at school or actually on site to speak to children about health”
“the school is a very important avenue too that we have to consider.”
   Promotional events
“having street cookouts like, you know, the block cookouts”
   Flyers --- “Flyers, you would need flyers in the country, something to get through to that particular house.”