Table 2.
Sample descriptive statistics at physician year and physician levels. Values are numbers (percentages)
Statistic | Physician years (n=54 736) | Physicians (n=5175) |
State: | ||
Florida | 19 999 (36.5) | 1945 (37.6) |
New York | 34 737 (63.5) | 3230 (62.4) |
Sex: | ||
Male | 34 817 (63.6) | 2973 (57.5) |
Female | 19 919 (36.4) | 2202 (42.6) |
Specialty: | ||
Obstetrics-gynecology | 51 772 (94.6) | 4898 (94.7) |
Maternal-fetal medicine | 2964 (5.4) | 277 (5.4) |
Medical school location: | ||
United States or Canada | 39 177 (71.6) | 3784 (73.1) |
Other | 15 559 (28.4) | 1391 (26.9) |
Practice duration: | ||
No deliveries in academic year 2009 | 17 382 (31.8) | 2131 (41.2) |
≥1 delivery in academic year 2009 | 37 354 (68.2) | 3044 (58.8) |
Time since obstetrics-gynecology residency completion: | ||
1-10 years | 23 033 (42.1) | — |
11-20 years | 19 350 (35.4) | — |
21-30 years | 10 732 (19.6) | — |
31-40 years | 1621 (3.0) | — |
Obstetrics-gynecology residency completion year: | ||
1970-79 | — | 840 (16.2) |
1980-89 | — | 1402 (27.1) |
1990-99 | — | 1751 (33.8) |
2000-08 | — | 1182 (22.8) |
Duration in sample: | ||
2-5 years | — | 1273 (24.6) |
6-10 years | — | 1314 (25.4) |
11-15 years | — | 1193 (23.1) |
16-18 years | — | 1395 (27.0) |
Column percentages may not sum to 100 owing to rounding.