Figure 1.
Cytosolic receptors that sense viruses and induce type I interferons. Most cytosolic receptors that recognize RNAs such as RIG-I, MDA5, NOD2 activate TBK1–IRF3 via the mitochondria-associated MAVS. A recently identified receptor complex consisting of DDX1, DDX21, and DHX36 signals via TRIF to activate TBK1 after sensing RNA. On the other hand, DNA sensing in the cytosol triggers signaling via STING–TBK1–IRF3 axis to induce type I interferon production. RNA polymerase III recognizes cytosolic DNA and generates stimulatory RNA, which is subsequently detected by RIG-I. DHX9 and DDX36 sense cytosolic CpG and activate IRF7 via MyD88.