Figure 1. The dynamics of the protein output can result in a faithful representation of the current biological environment.
We consider a 2-stage model of gene expression [22]. The extracellular environment or input, , gives the current rate of transcription and the signal of interest
. We model
as either a 2-state Markov chain with equal switching rates between states (the states each have unconditional probability of
) (A&C); or as proportional to a Poissonian birth-death process for a transcriptional activator (B&D; proportionality constant of 0.025). The transformed signals
(in red, lower panels) are a perfect representation of
, although protein levels
(in blue) are not.
, the lifetime
equals 1 hr, and the translation rate
. Degradation rates of mRNA and protein are chosen to maximize the fidelity, Eq. 7. The units for
are chosen so that its variance equals one.