Figure 2.
Ethylene receptor family of Arabidopsis. The ethylene receptor family of Arabidopsis is divided into subfamilies 1 and 2 based on phylogenetic analysis and structural features. Receptors are shown as homo-dimers. The ethylene-binding domain (EBD) is found within the conserved transmembrane domains (white rectangles), and includes a copper cofactor (Cu); subfamily 2 receptors have an additional predicted transmembrane domain (grey rectangle) that may function as a signal sequence. All five members of the ethylene receptor family have a GAF domain (yellow diamond) implicated in protein–protein interactions. His kinase domains are indicated by green or red rectangles, green indicating a functional His kinase domain and red indicating a diverged His kinase domain. The receiver domains (ovals) have the conserved residues required for function and are therefore coloured green. Conserved His (H) and Asp (D) phosphorylation sites are indicated if present.