This study is a prospective evaluation of the reconstruction of anterior iliac crest bone graft donor sites using a technique developed by the authors. We present the technique and the initial results obtained with its use in 15 patients followed up for a period ranging from 6 to 16 months. Reconstruction of the iliac crest is performed using a rib, which is removed by an anterior approach to the spine. The rib is divided into two segments, which are fitted into the defect created in the iliac crest after removal of the bone graft. Clinical evaluation of the patients found a good cosmetic appearance of the reconstruction site, and the rib segments used showed good radiologic integration. Partial resorption of the segments was observed in two patients, with no effects on the cosmetic result.
Keywords: Key words Bone graft, Iliac, reconstruction, Rib, Spinal fusion, Surgical treatment
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Received: 3 May 1999 Revised: 13 August 1999 Accepted: 18 August 1999