Figure 2. Histochemical GUS staining and Confocal GFP fluorescence scanning of transgenic tobacco T0 plants transformed with the full length promoter GbSLSP and its 5′- and 3′-truncated versions.
A, Histochemical GUS staining of young leaves and flowers. B, Confocal GFP fluorescence scanning of young leaves. F1: Transformed with full-length GbSLSP(F)::GUS/GFP. F2–F5: Transformed with GbSLSPFn:: GUS/GFP, where n = 2 to 5. F-sh: Transformed with full-length GbSLSP(F)-sh::GUS/GFP. F2-sh: Transformed with full-length GbSLSPF2-sh::GUS/GFP.