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. 2013 Mar 14;2013:150265. doi: 10.1155/2013/150265

Table 5.

Confusion matrix (also called contingency table or error matrix) of 6 models according to age and gender in classification experiments with feature selection.

Classification modela
Group Actual Predicted Subjectsb
Overweight Normal Overweight Normal
Female: 20–30 Overweight 30 103 133 364
Normal 27 337
Female: 40–50 Overweight 168 76 244 201
Normal 98 103
Female: 60 Overweight 86 18 104 41
Normal 26 15
Male: 20–30 Overweight 139 67 206 175
Normal 84 91
Male: 40–50 Overweight 154 25 179 77
Normal 48 29
Male: 60 Overweight 54 17 71 35
Normal 20 15

aResults of confusion matrix by classification model; bnumber of subjects of each class (overweight and normal) in original data.