Activated T cells were injected intravenously NSG mice with large, established M108 tumors. Groups included no T cells (ctrl), bead-activated, but untransduced T cells (untransduced), bead-activated T cells transduced with mesoCAR (mesoCAR), and bead-activated T cells transduced with both mesoCAR and CCR2b (mesoCAR + CCR2b).
Panel A and B. 5 days after T cell injection, flank tumors (Panel A) and pooled blood (Panel B) from 3 mice in each group were subjected to FACS to determine the number of human T cells. There was a significantly increased number of T cells having infiltrated the tumor in the mesoCAR + CCR2b than the mesoCAR group. (* = p <0.02)
Panel C. Tumor size was measured over time and revealed significantly increased anti-tumor activity after injection of mesoCAR + CCR2b T cells compared to mesoCAR T cells. * indicates statistically significant differences in mean tumor size at day 22 post T cell injection. Difference in mean flank tumor size in the mesoCAR and mesoCAR + CCR2b groups was statistically significant (p=0.003). Tumor volume was calculated using the formula volume = length × width × width / 2.