Table 2.
Final population pharmacokinetic parameters of total and free imatinib concentrations (independent analyses)
Model | Parameters | Population mean | Inter-individual variability | ||
Estimate | SE† | Estimate* | SE‡ | ||
Total imatinib concentrations | CLtot (l h−1) | 13.5 | 5% | 23% | 34% |
Vd,tot (l) | 314 | 22% | 31% | 150% | |
katot (h−1) | 0.45 | 71% | – | – | |
θAGP CL,tot (l h−1) | −5.8 | 13% | |||
Correlation CLtot-Vd,tot | 0.81 | ||||
Residual variability σ (CV%)§ | 28% | 39%‡ | |||
Free imatinib concentrations | CLu (l h−1) | 389 | 6% | 27% | 58% |
Vd,u (l) | 8410 | 19% | 36% | 84% | |
kau (h−1) | 0.48 | 32% | - | ||
Correlation CLu-Vd,u | 0.80 | ||||
Residual variability σ (CV%)§ | 30% | 39%‡ |
CL: clearance, Vd: volume of distribution, ka: absorption rate constant; tot: total PK parameters, u: unbound PK parameters.
Estimates of variability expressed as coefficient of variation (CV%).
SE, standard error of the estimates, expressed as CV%.
SE, standard error of the variance components, taken as square root (SEestimate/estimate), expressed as a percentage.
Residual variability of the plasma concentration, expressed as CV%.