Global indices |
Caseness/positive diagnosis |
One or more criteria for psychiatric diagnosis |
Global severity index (GSI) |
Overall indicator of psychopathology |
Primary dimensions |
Obsessive-compulsive (O-C) |
Thoughts, impulses, and actions that are unwanted but are unremitting or irresistible to the individual |
Interpersonal sensitivity (INT) |
Feelings of personal inadequacy and inferiority |
Depression (DEP) |
Feelings reflective of the manifestations of clinical depression |
Paranoid ideation (PAR) |
Symptoms indicative of psychotic illness, including suspiciousness, grandiosity, fear, and hostility |
Psychoticism (PSY) |
Feelings of interpersonal alienation, symptoms of schizophrenia, withdrawn schizoid features |
Anxiety (ANX) |
Symptoms and signs associated with high levels of manifest anxiety (trembling, panic attacks, feelings of terror) |
Somatization (SOM) |
Distress arising from perceptions of bodily dysfunction |
Hostility (HOS) |
Thoughts, feelings, actions typical of anger |
Phobic anxiety (PH) |
Fear response to a stimulus that is disproportionate to the stimulus; avoidance or escape behavior |