Tab. 3.
Detailing of the archetype modelling steps in the SES/MG
Step | Description | Methodology | Participants | Delivered artifact | Effort |
Patient’s Clinical Summary (PCS) element selection | Defining the data elements that would compose the PCS. |
Clinical Team; Representatives from the internal areas of the SES/MG. | 122 PCS data elements identified. | 60 days |
Identification of the Candidate Concepts | Identifying the candidate concepts that properly accommodated the data elements chosen for the Summary. |
Clinical Team | Mind Maps including all concepts identified. | 60 days |
Archetype Modelling | Modelling the archetypes according to the hierarquical levels prescribed by the ISO 13606 norm. |
Clinical Team | MS Excel spreadsheet with the Entry modelling results. | 90 days |
Terminology Analysis and Identification | Validating term lists, domain table, classifications and terminology to be used. |
Clinical Team | MS Excel spreadsheet with the Entry modelling results complemented by terminologies. | 45 days |
Analysis and Identification of Permanence Rules | Studying the permanence rules to be used. |
Clinical Team | MS Excel spreadsheet with the Entry modelling results complemented by permanence rules. | It was started in parallel of the Terminology Analysis – 45 days. |
Existing Archetype Research | Researching existing archetypes and revising modeled Entries. | Accessing the openEHR/ CKM website and analyzing the published archetypes. | Clinical Team | Revised archetypes. | It was started in parallel of the Terminology Analysis – 45 days. |
ADL Archetype Encoding | Archetype encoding in ADL |
PRODEMGE technical team | Archetypes encoded in ADL | 45 days |