Tab. 4.
Summary of the Archetypes for the Entries Created
Archetype | Entry |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. Alergias.v1 | Alergias (Allergies) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. Alimentacao.v1 | Alimentação (Diet) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. AntecedentesObstetricos.v1 | Antecedentes Obstétricos (Obstetrtic History) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY.AntecedentesOdontologicos.v1 | Antecedentes Odontológicos (Dental History) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. AtividadesCotidianas.v1 | Atividades Cotidianas (Daily Activities) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY.AvaliacaoFuncional.v1 | Avaliação Funcional (Functional Evaluation) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. Deficiências.v1 | Deficiencias (Disabilities) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY.EstratifiçãcaoRisco.v1 | Estratificacao de Risco (Risk stratification) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY.ExameClinicoOdontologico.v1 | Exame Clínico Odontológico (Dental Clinical Examination) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY.ExameFisico.v1 | Exame Físico (Physical Examination) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. ExamesComplementares.v1 | Exames Complementares (Complementary Exams) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY.GestacaoAtual.v1 | Gestação Atual (Current Gestation) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY.GigantesGeriatria.v1 | Gigantes da Geriatria (Giants of Geriatry) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. ImpressaoDiagnostica.v1 | Impressão Diagnóstica (Diagnostic Impression) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. Imunobiologicos.v1 | Imunobilógicos (Immunobiologicals) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. Medicamentos.v1 | Medicamentos (Medication) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. Mobilidade.v1 | Mobilidade (Mobilty) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. Parto.v1 | Parto (Childbirth / Delivery) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY.Prenatal.v1 | Pré-natal (Prenatal care) |
ISO13606-SESMG-ENTRY. Puerperio.v1 | Puerpério (Puerperium) |
Note: these archetypes can be found in