(A) Schematic of RNAi microbial aversion assay.
(B) Example of control and aversion phenotypes after 48hr of growth on elt-2 or RNAi control bacteria. elt-2 encodes a transcription factor necessary for gut development and homeostasis.
(C) Developmental stage- and rank-ordered aversion levels +SEM for 379 gene inactivations (of 4,062 screened) exhibiting aversion ≥10% off bacteria at 48-58hr of growth on RNAi bacteria.
(D) DAVID bioinformatic analysis of aversion genes showing enrichment for specific functional categories. *enriched gene classes that were not statistically significant due to small N. ^high intra-class homology that could produce an elevated false positive rate due to off-target RNAi effects.
(See also Figure S1, Table S1, Movies S1–3.)