Figure 1. Efficient generation of iPSCs from cord blood CD34+ cells.
(A) Efficient reprogramming of cord blood with lentiviral vectors. Three different combinations of reprogramming factors were used: OCT4 and SOX2 (OS), OS+ZSCAN4 (OSZ), and OS+MYC and KLF4 (OSMK). After transduction, 2500–5000 cells were seeded in 6-well plates. iPSC colonies were counted 2 weeks later and reprogramming efficiencies were calculated accordingly. (B) iPSCs express pluripotency makers OCT4, NANOG and SSEA4. Representative pictures for each group (OS iPSC lines, OSZ iPSC lines, and MK iPSC lines (OSMK)) are presented (200×). Confocal imaging did not identify any differences in expression of pluripotency makers among 15 iPSC lines.