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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2009 Dec 13;17(1):31–37. doi: 10.1038/nsmb.1740

Table 1.

Crystallography data and refinement statistics

Crystal form: Low-formate High-formate

Crystal parameters:

Space group P212121 P212121

Cell dimensions

a, b, c (Å) 99.83, 100.90 , 192.34 99.78, 100.46 , 192.96
α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90

Data quality:

Resolution (Å) 50 – 2.13 50 – 2.5

Rsym 0.11 (0.72) 0.17 (0.63)

Mean redundancy 7.2 7.3

Completeness 94.60% 98.60%

Mean I/σ(I) 12.43 (2.1) 14.6 (2.6)

Phasing Statistics:

Anomalous signal (Å) 5.4

Mean figure of merit 0.52


Resolution (Å) 50 – 2.13 50 – 2.5

No. reflections 102,406 62,189

Rwork/ Rfree 0.18 / 0.21 0.17 / 0.22

Average B-factor (Å2)

Protein 68.91 55.76

Formate, octylglucoside 99.94 81.70

Water 58.46 45.64

R.M.S deviations

Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.008

Bond angles (°) 0.995 1.026

Model Contents:

Monomer A: 256 Monomer A: 257
Monomer B: 254 Monomer B: 255
Protein residues Monomer C: 259 Monomer C: 254
Monomer D: 251 Monomer D: 254
Monomer E: 255 Monomer E: 256

Ligands 16 β-OG 13 β-OG, 51 formate *

Water molecules 346 227


Rsym = S|Ij – <Ij>|/SIj, where <Ij> is the averaged intensity for symmetry related reflections. Redundancy represents the ratio between the number of measurements and the number of unique reflections. R factor = S|F(obs) – F(cal)|/SF(obs); 5% of the data that were excluded from the refinement were to calculate Rfree. The average B factor was calculated for all non-hydrogen atoms. r.m.s.d. of bond is the root-mean-square deviation of the bond angle and length. Numbers in parentheses are statistics of the highest resolution shell.


While two formate ions are found at the selectivity filter of Monomer E, one is found at that of Monomer D. The rest of the formate ions are found on the protein surface.