Lack of functional RbohD and RbohF blocks AtPep1-triggered ROS with and without pretreatment, but does not impair the production of ethylene. A, ROS production. Leaf discs of Col-0 and rbohD rbohF double knockout mutants were either pretreated with 1 µm flg22 or without any peptide (control) for 16 h and then treated with either 1 µm AtPep1 or 1 µm flg22 as indicated. Columns represent averages of the peak values of ROS production of 12 biological replicates. Error bars show se of the mean. RLU, Relative light units. B, Ethylene production. Leaf strips were incubated in water for 16 h and then treated with either 1 µm AtPep1, 1 µm flg22, or without any peptide (control). Ethylene production was measured after 4 h of incubation. Error bars show se of the mean of six biological replicates. Asterisks represent Student’s t test results (***P < 0.001).