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. 2012 Nov 21;471(5):1682–1690. doi: 10.1007/s11999-012-2709-5

Table 4.

Cutoff values of the preoperative radiographic measurements

Parameters Number of subjects (corrected group) Number of subjects (undercorrected group) Area under the ROC curve 95% CI p value Cutoff value
AP talus-first metatarsal angle (°) 54 21 0.729 0.614–0.825 0.0001 > 23°
Lateral talus-first metatarsal angle (°) 45 30 0.754 0.641–0.847 < 0.0001 > 36°
naviculocuboid overlap (%) 47 28 0.645 0.526–0.752 0.0319 > 72%

Corrected group = patients whose radiographic indices improved over the mean value of normal alignment; undercorrected group = patients whose radiographic indices did not reach the mean value of normal alignment; ROC curve = receiver operating characteristic curve; the ROC curve was used to define the cutoff values of the preoperative radiographic measurements between the corrected and the undercorrected groups after calcaneal lengthening.