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. 2013 Jan 10;8(4):554–562. doi: 10.2215/CJN.04760512

Table 1.

Patients’ characteristics at onset

Characteristic Children Adults P Value
Patients (n) 89 125
Female/male (n/n) 42/47 93/32 <0.001
Mean age at onset (yr) 1.5 (0 to <15) 31 (15–85)
Familial HUS history, n (%) 24 (26.9) 18 (14.4) 0.02
Triggering events, n (%) 42 (47) 41 (33) 0.03
 Diarrhea 35 (39) 19 (15) <0.001
 Respiratory infections 7 (8) 1 (1) 0.03
 Pregnancy 18/93 females (19.3)
Neurologic involvement, n (%) 14 (16)a 10 (8) 0.08
Mean serum creatinine (µmol/L) 257 (28–990) (n=82) 640 (111–2408) (n=113) <0.001
Dialysis required, n (%) 48/81 (59) 93/115 (81) <0.001
Platelets count, n (%)
 > 150 × 109/L 12/81 (15) 15/93 (16) 0.78
 100–150 × 109/L 9/81 (11) 22/93 (24) 0.02
 50–99 × 109/L 26/81 (32) 31/93 (33) 0.84
 < 50 × 109/L 34/81 (42) 25/93 (27) 0.05
Mean hemoglobin (g/dl) 6.8 (3–12) (n=84) 7.2 (5–11.8) (n=93) 0.004
 Hemoglobin > 10 g/dl, n (%) 5/84 (6) 10/93 (11) 0.16
Complete triad, n (%)b 60/81 (74) 77/93 (83) 0.11

Values are given as means with ranges in parentheses or as percentages. HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome.


In children, extrarenal manifestations also included pancreatitis (increase of pancreatic enzymes with or without clinical/radiologic signs) in six cases (7%), hepatitis (increase in hepatic enzymes) in five cases (6%), multiorgan failure in three cases (3%), intra-alveolar hemorrhage in two cases (2%), and pericarditis in one case (1%). Extrarenal manifestations other than neurologic are not documented in adults.


Complete triad: hemoglobin < 10 g/dl plus platelet count < 150 G/L plus serum creatinine above the upper limit of normal.