Figure 3. The H3-H4 Promoter Assembles an Ectopic HLB.
A. Diagram of the five constructs inserted into chromosomal location 86Fb. The yellow bars represent N-terminal FLAG tags in H2a and H4. The promoter swap (PS) includes the bidirectional promoter and 5′UTR from each gene pair.
B and C. HLB assembly for the indicated constructs was assessed with the indicated markers and quantified as in Figure 2. V5 antibody was used to detect Lsm11 in a strain where V5-Lsm11 replaces the endogenous protein. Note that the H3-H4 promoter (H3-H4, H2a-H2bPS) assembles an HLB, regardless of the associated transcript.
D and E. Histone gene expression was assessed and quantified as in Figure 2. Numbers in the diagram indicate the length in nt of the probe and possible protected fragments. Roman numerals refer to the depicted transgene, and NT is the no transgene control. Note robust histone mRNA expression from HLT-FL, H3-H4 (T) and H2a-H2bPS (T*)