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. 2008 Sep;4(3):179–184.

Table 2.

Clinical data of four cases of Nocardia

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

  Age 59 56 35 51
  Sex male male male male
  Smoking smoker smoker non smoker smoker

Hospital diagnosis
  Cough + + + +
  Expectoration + + + +
  Heamoptysis + - - +
  Chest pain - + - -
  Night fever + - + -
  Night sweat - - - -
  Weight loss - - + -
  Loss of appetite - - - -
  N.B Chest trouble for one year before diagnosis fatigue
b- Chest x-ray Tracheal shifted to right, raised upper vascular and right opacity Left upper and middle zonal nonhomogenous opacity Bilateral heterogeneous opacity Mild zonal fibronodular opacity
c-Medical history
  COPD - + + -
  Diabetes DM - - DM
  Hypertension - - - -
  Cancer + - - -
  TB Fresh case Relapse case Relapse case Fresh case
Microscopical direct smear test for AFB + + + +
TB Treatment started yes yes yes yes

Heamoptysis, bloody cough; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DM, Diabetes mellitus; TB, tuberculosis; AFB, acid fast bacilli.