Figure 1. Samd7 is a novel phylogenetically conserved SAM-domain protein.
A: The full-length Samd7 protein comprises 445 amino acids including a 67 aa SAM domain, which is indicated by a box. B: Amino acid alignment of selected SAM domain sequences using Clustal W Blosum 62. The level of similarity is indicated by shading ranging from 100% (black) to less than 60% (light gray). C: Phylogenetic conservation of SAM-domain containing proteins. The branch length represents the number of substitutions that have ocurred in that branch and the distance scale represents the number of differences between sequences, with 0.1 meaning 10% difference between two sequences. D: Amino acid sequence similarities of mouse, rat, human, chicken, and zebrafish Samd7 proteins. The percentage of similarity is shown for the full-length protein as well as for individual regions of the protein, respectively.