Expectations and goals for future health:
What are your expectations/concerns for your health in the future?
Over the next 6–12 months, what are your goals in terms of improvements in your current symptoms or limitations due to your cancer and/or treatments for your cancer?
Over the long term, what are your goals for your health, your career, and life in general?
Awareness of cancer prevention:
What have you learned or heard about that you think might help improve your general health?
Are there things you specifically believe might help you prevent a new cancer or a return of your cancer?
How has your cancer and cancer treatment affected your other health conditions?
Cancer prevention behavior changes:
So you talked about …., would you like to change any of this (previously mentioned goals)?
Do you have any specific goals in mind about (previously mentioned goals)? if so, please explain/describe.
Remaining cancer related issues:
Help with goals and changes:
Are you doing anything now to actively work on (whatever goals were previously mentioned)
What goal is your highest priority?
Can you imagine anything your doctors or the cancer center might be able to do or give you to help you work on your goals?
What barriers do you think you might encounter when trying to work on your goals?
Behavior change history: