Figure 3. Artesunate effect on iRBC/uRBC membrane stiffness.
0.05 μg/ml of ART were added to the RPMI cell culture medium containing 0.1% hematocrit. After 2, 4 and 6 h of incubation with ART, micropipette aspiration of uRBCs (black circles) and iRBCs (red circles) was carried out at a suction rate of 0.5 Pa/s. Black dots (uRBCs) and red dots (iRBCs) represent the control without ART treatment. The mean elastic shear moduli of the iRBCs are 30% to 40% higher than the moduli of their uninfected counterparts. Exposure to ART results in a mild but consistent increase of the membrane elastic shear modulus of both uRBCs and iRBCs.