Figure 4.
Analysis of PD brain samples and the dose-dependent impact of miRNA-373* upon LAMP-2A. Relative change in miRNAs normalized to actin mRNA levels and compared with control in (a) SNc from PD patients and (b) the amygdala. (c) mRNA levels for lamp-2a, hsc70 and α-synuclein relative to actin mRNA and compared with control values in PD amygdala and SNc. Data expressed as mean±S.E.M., controls (n=5) and PD (n=6). Statistical analyses compared with control group, *P<0.05. (d) The influence of transfecting increasing concentrations of miRNA hsa-miR-373* into normal SH-SY5Y cells on LAMP-2A protein and mRNA levels 72 h after transfection. The upper panel depicts the western blot of LAMP-2A levels relative to actin with increasing miR-373* levels, and the lower panel depicts the relationship between LAMP-2A protein and lamp-2a mRNA levels relative to actin and normalized to untreated cells