Figure 5. Ss and NW from children with MA/PR (n = 6) induced the IL-8 release from epithelial cells.
16-HBE and RPMI2650 cells were stimulated in the presence or absence of Budesonide 10−8 M and Formoterol 10−8 M alone or in combination A) with Ss (n = 6) or B) with NW from children with MA/PR; 16-HBE and RPMI2650 cells were stimulated in the presence or absence of anti IL-17R monoclonal antibody C) with Ss or D) with NW from children with MA/PR. Results are expressed as pg/ml. Data are shown as mean ± S.D. ANOVA with Fisher test correction was used to compare the different experimental conditions. **p<0.001 vs baseline; *p<0.001 vs IS; #p<0.05 vs IS. **p<0.001 vs baseline; ##p<0.01 vs NW; #p<0.05 vs NW.