Figure 3.
Phase delays for kinematic events. Sham and NT4 data derived from study described in,71 NT2 and NMES2 data derived from.64 Hind limb fore limb and Left–right hind limb phase delay: relative phase of each limb touchdown with respect to another within a gait cycle. Phase is defined at discrete moments within a gait cycle and varies between 0 and 1 (two consecutive touchdown events for each limb). Hip knee and hip–ankle: relative phase calculated from time between maximum joint angles for each joint during a gait cycle, within a limb. Injury causes a change in forelimb-hindlimb coordination, shifting it from approximately 0.75 to approximately 0.5, or completely out of phase. Left–right phase delay is altered following injury, however, NMES training or an additional two-week recovery period returns left right coordination to symmetry. Intralimb phase delays (hip–knee and hip–ankle) are significantly decreased following injury, with a progressive increase from stimulation therapy or additional time for recovery. Sham: sham injured rats, NT2 and NT4: iSCI rats with no training tested two weeks and four weeks post injury respectively, NMES2: iSCI rats with five days of electrical stimulation therapy tested two weeks post injury.