Figure 7. New F-actin assembly is enhanced in cyfip mutants.
(A–F) Synaptic boutons of wild type (A–C) and cyfip85.1 mutants (D–F) under different conditions: vehicle-treated control, treated with jasplakinolide, and after 1 h of jasplakinolide washout. The NMJ boutons were double-labeled with anti-HRP (green) and phalloidin (red) to reveals postsynaptic F-actin. (G) Fluorescence recovery index in the NMJ boutons of different genotypes after jasplakinolide treatment. At least 15 different boutons from 4 animals of each genotype were analyzed. (H–J) Phalloidin labeled (red) cyfip mosaic eye discs of third instar larvae under different conditions: vehicle-treated control (H), treated with jasplakinolide (I), and 90 min recovery after jasplakinolide washout (J). cyfip85.1 mutant clones marked by the absence of GFP and outlined by white dotted lines show enhanced F-actin assembly in a subset of mutant cells (indicated by arrows). (K) F-actin recovery in a wild-type eye disc. Arrowheads indicate MF; horizontal arrow in H points to posterior.