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. 2013 Apr 4;9(4):e1002996. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002996

Table 4. Dynamic simulation parameters affecting concentration fields and chemotactic responses.

Molecule Parameter Cell/Field Type Symbol Parameter Value Equivalent Value Ref
VEGF165 Diffusion ECM DV 4.0×10−2 0.36 [15], [25], [41], [84]
Decay ECM kV 1.0×10−3 1.0×10−3
Secretion IC SV:IC 6.0×10−3 6.67×10−4 [85]
MC SV:MC 5.0×10−3 5.55×10−4 [32]
Uptake ECt SV:Ect −2.0×10−3 −2.22×10−4
ECs SV:Ecs −2.0×10−3 −2.22×10−4
Field coupling sVEGFR1 nr −0.02 [34]
Proteases np 0.02 [86]
Chemotactic strength ECt λc:V:ECt 600 [43]
ECs λc:V:Ecs 300 [43]
VEGF121 Diffusion ECM DVf 0.18 1.62 [15], [25], [41], [84]
Decay ECM kVf 1.0×10−3 1.0×10−3
Secretion ECs SVf:Ecs 2.0×10−3 2.22×10−4
IC SVf:IC 5.0×10−3 5.55×10−4 [85]
MC SVf:MC 5.0×10−3 5.55×10−4 [32]
(on contact) ECs:MC SVf:Ecs:MC 4.0×10−3 4.44×10−4 [32]
Uptake ECt SVf:Ect −2.0×10−3 −2.22×10−4
ECs SVf:Ecs −2.0×10−3 −2.22×10−4
Chemotactic strength ECt λc:Vf:ECt 400 [43]
ECs λc:Vf:Ecs 200 [43]
CCL2 Diffusion ECM DC 8.0×10−2 0.72
Decay ECM kC 2×10−3 2×10−3
Secretion ECt SC:Ect 4.0×10−3 4.44×10−4 [87], [88]
ECs SC:Ecs 2.0×10−3 2.22×10−4 [87], [88]
IC SC:IC 6.0×10−3 6.67×10−4 [87]
(on contact) MC:IC SC:MC:IC 1.0×10−3 1.11×10−4 [46]
(on contact) IC:MC SC:IC:MC 1.0×10−3 1.11×10−4 [46]
Chemotactic strength ECt λc:C:ECt 400 [39], [45]
ECs λc:C:Ecs 200 [39], [45]
IC λc:C:IC 400 [39], [45]
CXCL10 Diffusion ECM DCx 8.0×10−2 0.72
Decay ECM kCx 2×10−3 2×10−3
Secretion IC SCx:IC 5.0×10−3 5.55×10−4 [87]
MC SCx:MC 3.0×10−3 3.33×10−4 [87]
sVEGFR1 Diffusion ECM Dr 0.14 1.26
Decay ECM kr 4×10−3 4×10−3
Secretion ECs Sr:Ecs 2.0×10−3 2.22×10−4 [38]
Chemotactic strength ECt λc:r:ECt −200 [34]
Proteases Diffusion ECM Dp 0.2 1.8
Decay ECM kp 5×10−3 5×10−3
Secretion ECt Sp:Ect 1.0×10−2 1.11×10−3 [89]
ECs Sp:Ecs 1.0×10−3 1.11×10−4 [89]
(on contact) ECt:IC Sp:Ect:IC 1.0×10−2 1.11×10−3 [31], [38]
Chemotactic strength IC λc:r:IC −200
TIE2 Diffusion ECM DT 0.1 0.9
Decay ECM kT 5×10−3 5×10−3
Secretion ECt ST:Ect 5.0×10−3 5.55×10−4 [90]
ECs ST:Ecs 1.0×10−3 1.11×10−4 [90]
Chemotactic strength MC λc:T:MC 100 [35]

Diffusion units are pix2/s and µm2/s, decay units are MCS−1 and s−1, and secretion and uptake units are c.u./pix2/s and c.u./µm2/s, for parameter and equivalent values, respectively (c.u. is arbitrary concentration units). Parameter values were informed by experimental observations and in most cases estimated to achieve relative steady state concentrations that approximated measured serum levels. References correspond to measured values (diffusion, secretion) or observed behaviors (field coupling, chemotactic strength). ECt: endothelial tip cells, ECs: endothelial stalk cells, IC: inflammatory cells, MC: mural cells, ECM: extracellular matrix.