MS2 of mono-, di-, and triglycosylceramides from human embryonic stem cells (fractions 121:I–III). The interpretation formulas show the deduced glycosphingolipid structures. A, MS2 spectrum of the ion at m/z 698 of fraction 121:I from human embryonic stem cell line SA121 (retention time 18.2 min). B, MS2 spectrum of the ion at m/z 726 of fraction 121:I from human embryonic stem cell line SA121 (retention time 18.3 min). C, MS2 spectrum of the ion at m/z 808 of fraction 121:I from human embryonic stem cell line SA121 (retention time 18.6 min). D, MS2 spectrum of the ion at m/z 860 of fraction 121:II from human embryonic stem cell line SA121 (retention time 19.7 min). E, MS2 spectrum of the ion at m/z 888 of fraction 121:II from human embryonic stem cell line SA121 (retention time 19.9 min). F, MS2 spectrum of the ion at m/z 1022 of fraction 121:III from human embryonic stem cell line SA121 (retention time 21.2 min). G, MS2 spectrum of the ion at m/z 1050 of fraction 121:III from human embryonic stem cell line SA121 (retention time 21.1 min).