Converting forests currently sequestering carbon to bioenergy crops |
Very high |
Ignoring both immediate release of carbon and often continuing carbon sequestration of the forest if unharvested |
Harvesting live trees for bioenergy and allowing forest to regrow |
High |
Same |
Diverting crops or growing bioenergy crops on otherwise high-yielding agricultural land |
High |
Ignoring ongoing uptake of carbon on cropland and likely release of carbon in replacing the crops or reduced crop consumption |
Using crop residues |
Variable |
Potentially ignores existing uses, need to replace nutrients, or potential effects on soil productivity (Blanco-Canqui and Lal, 2009) |
Planting high-yielding energy crops on unused invasive grasslands |
Low |
Little or no error |
Using post-harvest timber slash |
Little or none |
Could ignore temporal dimension of decomposition or existing uses |
Using organic wastes otherwise deposited in landfill |
Little or none |
Little or no error |