Table 5. Connections of the right posterior cingulate gyrus in subjects with low and high degree of autistic traits.
Group | Connected brain regions and averaged functional connectivity values (correlation coefficient) |
Subjects with the highest ASSQ Total score (n = 52, cut-off value = 2) | l-CingGyP (0.91), r-PreCC (0.82), l-CunC (0.79), r-CingGyAnt (0.79), l-PreCC (0.78), r-CunC (0.76), l-CingGyAnt (0.65), r-ThTemp (0.63), r-FrP (0.63) |
Subjects with the lowest ASSQ Total score (n = 7, cut-off value = 24) | l-CingGyP (0.94), r-PreCC (0.85), l-PreCC (0.83), r-CingGyAnt (0.78), l-CunC (0.75), l-CingGyAnt (0.74), r-CunC (0.74), r-ThPreFr (0.72), r-ThTemp (0.72), l-ThPreFr (0.71), l-LingGy (0.7), r-SupFrGy (0.69), l-ThPostPar (0.69), r-LingGy (0.69), r-FrP (0.68), l-IntCalC (0.68), l-ThTemp (0.67), r-IntCalC (0.67), l-LatOccCS (0.66), r-PreCentGy (0.66), r-MiFrGy (0.66), l-CerVI (0.66), l-CerCrI (0.66), r-LatOccCS (0.66), l-ThOcc (0.65), l-LatOccCInf (0.65), l-Hyp (0.65), r-ParCingGy (0.65), r-ThPostPar (0.64), r-SupTempGyA (0.64), r-CerVI (0.64), r-SupCalcC (0.64), r-Hyp (0.64), r-PlaT (0.69) |
Connection strengths are given as the wavelet correlation coefficients of the BOLD time curves. Cut-off threshold for lowest and highest ASSQ scorers were the 5th and 95th percentile values. Regions were listed in descending order of the connection strengths. Key for the abbreviations is given in Table S1.