Figure 6.
Effects of concreteness and valence on ERPs. (A) The panel depicts the grand mean ERP waveforms from frontal (Fz), central (Cz), and parietal (Pz) electrodes, elicited by abstract and concrete words. The word was presented at 0 ms. (B) The upper right panel shows the scalp distributions (standard amplitude subtraction) of the differences between concrete and abstract words within the 300–400-ms interval after the word. (C) The middle right panel depicts the grand mean ERP waveforms from GFP and parietal (Pz) electrode, elicited by abstract and concrete words in each valence condition. The word was presented at 0 ms. (D) The lower right panel shows the corresponding mean amplitude of the GFP within the 500–600-ms interval after the word. An asterisk marks a significant difference between conditions.