Figure 3.
Three-dimensional analysis of the upper GL fails to discover CF-GoC synapses. (A) 3D reconstruction of a portion of the upper GL of a BDA-injected (CF, red) GlyT2-EGFP mouse (GoC, green) co-stained for VGluT2, and containing on GoC soma and numerous dendrites, together with one clearly identifiable CF and the typical MF glomerular rosettes (VGlut2 positive, in blue). (B) Maximum intensity projection of the 3D image (14.1 μm thick), with below the three individual channels (B'–B”'). Five possible triplets are indicated in the insets (C–F). Montages of the five potential synapses analyzed in the z-plane. In all five instances the CF does not co-localize with VGlut2, arguing against the existence of synaptic contacts.