Fig. 3.
Flow cytometric analysis of cardiac fibroblasts from the remote zone in the in vivo MI model. (A) Selection of nucleated cells (Nucl cells) from the mixed population based on the incorporation of 7-AAD and the separation of the myocytes (MCs) from the nonmuscle cells (NMCs) using cardiac troponinT (cTnT)-specific antibody. All of the analyses were conducted on the Lin−/CD31−/CD45−/CD34− cells (pink box). X and Y axes represent arbitrary units. (B) Flow cytometric analysis of Thy1.2+/Lin−/CD31−/CD45−/CD34− (Thypos) cells from sham-operated, TPPU-treated–sham-operated, MI and TPPU-treated MI mice. (C) Summary data from B (n = 3 per group). (D) Summary data showing the proliferative Thypos cells using Ki67 proliferative marker. (E) Flow cytometric analysis of FSP+/Lin−/CD31−/CD45−/CD34− (FSPpos) cells from sham-operated, TPPU-treated–sham-operated, MI and TPPU-treated MI mice. (F) Summary data from E (n = 3 per group). (G) Summary data showing the proliferative FSPpos cells using Ki67 proliferative marker. Representative results are shown. Error bars represent SE and *P < 0.05.