Exercise bike for 5–10 minutes (lower seat height as able; no resistance until able to perform full revolution at lowest seat height, then increase to elicit “somewhat hard” on Borg scale of perceived exertion)
Continue ROM, increasing angle, frequency, and intensity until milestones are achieved
Consistent with carryover of AROM 0° to greater than 115° |
Volitional strength |
Continue to progress exercises if able to perform 3 sets of 10 reps of the exercise correctly with maximum fatigue
Progression: from 8-RM to 10-RM; reassess 10-RM weekly and exercise at 65% to 70% at 10-RM
Exercise examples: leg press and leg extension at 65% to 70% at 10-RM; 4-way hip exercises with resistance
Gait retraining |
Walking on treadmill at 3.5 km/h for 5 minutes and over ground for 3 minutes
Progression: use mirror to provide feedback if needed; decrease mirror reliance, increase speed, increase incline if needed
Dosage: 8 minutes
Sit-to-stand |
Commence from plinth, without upper limb support and with each foot on either side of the Balance Board; plinth should be set so that knee flexion is less than 90°
Patient attempts to maintain 50% weight bearing through each limb; allow 5% error
Dosage: 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Progression: when patient is able to complete 8 of 10 attempts with less than 5% error, decrease height of plinth to allow 90° of knee flexion, then more than 90° of knee flexion
Progression: when patient is able to complete 8 of 10 attempts with less than 5% error and plinth at a height so that knee flexion is greater than 90°, repeat with 70% weight on operated limb
Squats on balance board |
Stand and squat against wall, keeping weight symmetrically balanced between limbs (50% weight bearing on each limb; 5% error) (usual precautions: ball and chair)
Dosage: 3 sets of 10 repetitions to 90°
Progression: increase weight bearing on operated limb throughout movement
Stair ascent |
Commence stair ascent/descent when patient has completed SymSlide progressions
Step-ups to 15-cm step
Encourage adequate knee flexion, reliance on operated limb to elevate body weight, minimal trunk compensations
Dosage: 3 sets of 10 step-ups
Progression: increase step height to 20 cm, then 25 cm; decrease handrail use; increase speed
Stair descent |
Step-downs from 15-cm step
Encourage adequate knee flexion, minimal trunk compensations
Dosage: 3 sets of 10 step-downs
Progression: increase step height to 20 cm, then 25 cm; decrease handrail use; increase speed