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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Apr 8.
Published in final edited form as: J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2012 Feb 1;42(2):135–144. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2012.3773
Focus of Treatment Treatment Milestones
  • Exercise bike for 5–10 minutes (lower seat height as able; no resistance until able to perform full revolution at lowest seat height, then increase to elicit “somewhat hard” on Borg scale of perceived exertion)

  • Continue ROM, increasing angle, frequency, and intensity until milestones are achieved

Consistent with carryover of AROM 0° to greater than 115°
  • As needed

Volitional strength
  • Continue to progress exercises if able to perform 3 sets of 10 reps of the exercise correctly with maximum fatigue

  • Progression: from 8-RM to 10-RM; reassess 10-RM weekly and exercise at 65% to 70% at 10-RM

  • Exercise examples: leg press and leg extension at 65% to 70% at 10-RM; 4-way hip exercises with resistance

  • Steady increase in MVIC

Gait retraining
  • Walking on treadmill at 3.5 km/h for 5 minutes and over ground for 3 minutes

  • Progression: use mirror to provide feedback if needed; decrease mirror reliance, increase speed, increase incline if needed

  • Dosage: 8 minutes

  • Patient should be able to walk at 4.4 km/h for 5 to 10 minutes without visible asymmetries

  • Commence from plinth, without upper limb support and with each foot on either side of the Balance Board; plinth should be set so that knee flexion is less than 90°

  • Patient attempts to maintain 50% weight bearing through each limb; allow 5% error

  • Dosage: 3 sets of 10 repetitions

  • Progression: when patient is able to complete 8 of 10 attempts with less than 5% error, decrease height of plinth to allow 90° of knee flexion, then more than 90° of knee flexion

  • Progression: when patient is able to complete 8 of 10 attempts with less than 5% error and plinth at a height so that knee flexion is greater than 90°, repeat with 70% weight on operated limb

  • Patient should be able to complete sit-to-stand from plinth (90° of knee flexion) with symmetrical weight bearing at least 8 of 10 times in each of 3 sets

Squats on balance board
  • Stand and squat against wall, keeping weight symmetrically balanced between limbs (50% weight bearing on each limb; 5% error) (usual precautions: ball and chair)

  • Dosage: 3 sets of 10 repetitions to 90°

  • Progression: increase weight bearing on operated limb throughout movement

  • Patient should be able to bend to 90° with symmetrical weight bearing between limbs and bend to 90° with 90% weight bearing through operated limb

Stair ascent
  • Commence stair ascent/descent when patient has completed SymSlide progressions

  • Step-ups to 15-cm step

  • Encourage adequate knee flexion, reliance on operated limb to elevate body weight, minimal trunk compensations

  • Dosage: 3 sets of 10 step-ups

  • Progression: increase step height to 20 cm, then 25 cm; decrease handrail use; increase speed

  • Patient should be able to ascend 15-cm step 8 of 10 attempts, with handrail for balance only

Stair descent
  • Step-downs from 15-cm step

  • Encourage adequate knee flexion, minimal trunk compensations

  • Dosage: 3 sets of 10 step-downs

  • Progression: increase step height to 20 cm, then 25 cm; decrease handrail use; increase speed

  • Patient should be able to descend 15-cm step 8 of 10 times, with handrail for balance only