Figure 1.
TLR2 haplotype network. Reconstructed bank vole TLR2 haplotype network based on 726 individuals. Circle sizes reflect the number of haplotype copies found in the population. The circle size for 50, 150 and 350 copies is given as a reference. The numbers along the connecting lines indicate the positions of the (synonymous and non-synonymous) substitutions that separate different haplotypes. Different colours (and numbers) indicate that haplotypes differ at the amino acid level. Haplotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 14 grouped into one major haplotype cluster (TLR2c1; green), haplotypes 6, 7, 8, 9 grouped into a second major haplotype cluster (TLR2c2; red). Haplotype 10 formed a third group.